About Vestfoldslektshistorielag
Vestfold and Buskerud genealogy teams were started in April 1987 in the main hall of the Vestfold County Museum following an initiative from genealogists Finn Asbjørn Wang, Tønsberg and Arne Einarsen Enne, Undrumsdal. A full room from both counties and the first interim board were put down. There was great interest in genealogy, and then the great Tanum family boards prevailed. In the years to come there were many meetings from Ål in Hallingdal to Stavern, from Vallø to Flesberg, and people traveled for miles and come to our meetings. In the first period we had many meetings at Flykaffeen, at Furulund and various canteens around the county. We then got permanent premises at the pension school in Melsomvik, where we were for a couple of years. Then everything had to be stored in the attic of Jan Karlsen in the company Sportex in Tønsberg, before we were allowed to use the small room on the second floor of the Stokke library. During all these years we had an eminent lubrication committee consisting of Gudrun Sandland from Sem, Georg Iversen from Sem, Ludvig Johansen from Sem and Torbjørn Steen-Karlsen, Nøtterøy. At all of our meetings at the Stokke countryside, we received invaluable help from Ragnhild Lund and Torun Knudsen from Stokke. Gradually it became cramped at Stokke as our book collection increased, and we had, after all, bought microfilms for Vestfold and Buskerud and a plethora of Microfish cards as well as cards from the Mormon Family Search. In 2005, the opportunity arose at Nauen Farm in Sem, where we actually looked at a large warehouse, but when Nauen-Olsen mentioned that we could rent the old stable, we struck. When we had moved everything, there was a small pile in a corner and we never thought we would fill the house. Little did we know. In the 90s we split into Buskerud genealogy team and Vestfold genealogy team, but we still have and have the journal Gjallarhorn, which was started in 1988, as a joint journal. We have celebrated the team’s 30th anniversary, Gjallarhorn’s 25th anniversary and 10th anniversary for the Family Center. Hundreds of users have been visiting us from home and abroad during these years, and the activity at Vestfold Family History Center is very high. New mysteries are solved and at the same time create new questions. We hold courses and have many great lectures throughout the year. User groups for genealogy programs and help with gothic. Here you will find computer knowledge, genealogy and unique sources. No question is too small and no task is too big. The impossible only takes a little while. Welcome to 2018
– We can genealogy.
When the team started in 1987, it quickly became clear that we wanted to create a library, but it’s not easy when you have nowhere to put everything. So when we went to our meetings, many of us had an ambulatory library
We looked at books, booklets, microfilms and microfilm and microfish apparatus. Something was privately stored and something was in a corner of a warehouse. Only when we came to the Stokke library did we get shelves. We bought our first professional archive shelf. Gifts were given to the library from afar and near and we were lent miscellaneous from private individuals with the message that we could use it indefinitely. Every year we have received huge amounts of gifts for the library and some are still donating, so today we can showcase an incredibly exciting and content-rich center with well over 5000 units. Of special things we can mention that we have all the booklets from the Norwegian Family History Journal, all the village books for Vestfold and many from other counties, Danish, Swedish and Norwegian biographical lexicon, Bishop Jens Nilssons visitas book, many great family books and a large collection of local newspapers, and not least unique sources that exist only with us, such as a large database from Nøtterøy Historielag with over 47,000 titles of historical articles from several newspapers in Vestfold.
Come by and read up on local history and maybe you will find something you didn’t know about grandpa.

Gjallarhorn magazine
In the winter of 1987-1988 Finn Abjørn Wang, Nils Sten Christensen, Ragnhild Prøytz and Torbjørn Steen-Karlsen came together in Tønsberg and agreed on how our new magazine, which Finn named Gjallarhorn, should be. Finn became the first editor, Torbjørn editorial secretary and the other two an editorial committee. Gjallarhorn was published in 1988-1997 by the Slekthistorielaget Vestfold & Buskerud and from 1997 – Vestfold Slekthistorielaget & Buskerud Slekthistorielag. Torbjørn Steen-Karlsen took over as editor and passed the baton to Are Skjervik Gustavsen and Pål Magne Bratteli. The next editor was Kristian Hunskaar and then Egil Theie and Siri Lind Johannessen took over, and today it is Egil Theie who pulls in all the levers. The magazine has come out in 60 unique editions with great articles, exciting subject matter, fun competitions, plenty of sources and hundreds of exciting photos. In the beginning, there were questions and answers, something the internet has now taken over. We have received good criticism from the established genealogy community in Norway and this gives us a unique opportunity to get shared genealogical material all over Norway. We also know that our magazine is read in the US auto library. If you have some lines you want to share with others, we are always interested, whether the lines are from the 1600s or if they are from the 1950s.
Links for genealogists. In Norway and abroad
Today’s huge World wide web, for many can be a huge task and find its way into the source jungle. That’s why we’ve sat down and made an overview of a genealogist’s most important sources and much more.
New sources are coming along as we become aware of them ourselves. We have links to genealogical sites all over the world, because as we all know, few of us have Norwegian ancestors. If nothing else, it has crept into a Swedish ancestry somewhere behind it. We also have a good number of sources that are unique to Vestfold genealogy, which you can only find here. And our computer manager Svein-Aage has created many quick links that give you access right into the source, so you don’t have to search. Are there any sources you think we should have on our list, so tell me

Farm genus on Tjøme
Digital Bygdebok Tjøme
Vestfold Family History Team has started the project. It is Svein.Åge Wærhaug-Mathisen is responsible for the technical implementation. Svein-Åge Wærhaug-Mathisen is working to collect and register people who have their origins in Botne in Vestfold. As of today, there is data for more than 31,000 people. From scanned church books and other material on genealogies and properties in Botne.
It is desirable and get in touch with persons who have pictures, documents, history etc. that they contribute. All material will be returned and treated with care. ContaFrom the homepage of Digitalbygdebok: In the autumn of 2015, genealogists Svein Åge Mathisen and Kurt Fjellhegn came into contact with the Tjøme history team and among other things. based on Svein Åge’s eminent computer knowledge and Kurt’s large database of Tjømes genus, they came up with the idea and embarked on a pre-project where things were tried out, and at the same time they felt in relation to the history team and what they thought about this.
Quite quickly this became a close collaboration and an increasing number of people became interested in the idea. A very good helper is Gerd Norma Berntsen, who has the most in his drawers and cupboards, and not least an amazing pleasure in storytelling. But the really great storyteller came in as Else Laila Cranner began to spew from that time.
Vestfold Family History Team has been the «birth helpers» for the project. Svein Åge Mathisen is responsible for the technical implementation. Kurt Fjellhegn makes his database available. As of today, there is data for more than 27,000 people back to approx. 1600, from scanned church books and other material on genealogies and properties on Tjøme. You have a total information of approx. 100,000 persons
Farm genus in Botne
Digital Bygdebok Botne
Vestfold Family History Team has started the project. It is Svein.Åge Wærhaug-Mathisen is responsible for the technical implementation. Svein-Åge Wærhaug-Mathisen is working to collect and register people who have their origins in Botne in Vestfold. As of today, there is data for more than 31,000 people. From scanned church books and other material on genealogies and properties in Botne.
It is desirable and get in touch with persons who have pictures, documents, history etc. that they contribute. All material will be returned and treated with care.

Family Photo
This is a collaborative project between: Vestfold County Museum Vestfold Family History Dis DIS-Vestfold Jarlsberg History Team. The former Vestfold County Museum had a collection of approx. 10,000 pictures, glass plates, with portrait photographs from photographers Larsen and Bryn in Tønsberg.. In connection with the merger of the museums in Vestfold, these were to be discarded. A collaboration was then entered into between Vestfold Slektshistorielag, Jarlsberg Historielag and DIS-Norge, department of Vestfold to take care of these images. The images are photographed and digitized to be posted online. Since we do not know who is in the photos, we depend on someone to recognize them and give us feedback on this, per. mail or telephone. We have been going on for approx. 4 years, and has posted approx. 4,000 images so far and continue the work. It says «Order» and a name under each picture. This means that this person has ordered a copy of this photo. The year under the photo is the year the photo was ordered, ie not necessarily the year the photo was taken. Do you want a copy of the image? It is possible to buy copies of these pictures
Sources on Nauen
In the last year we have had a lot of sources on Nauen. Below you see part is part of the selection, these are sources that are not otherwise available on the web. The sources are available on our PCs in Nauen and are not available online.

Consists of over 8,000 books magazines
Death ads in TB 1873-2016 total about 75,000 people. searchable
Birth Announcements
Birth ads in TB 1945-2016 total about 237,000 people. searchable
Birthday anniversaries in TB 1920-1998 total about 23,000 people. searchable
Wedding Anniversary
Wedding anniversaries in TB 1915-2016 total about 8,000 people. searchable
Borre population
• Born 1710-1920
• Married 1710-1920
• Died 1710-1920
• Census 1664
Borre population
• Census records 1801, 1865, 1875, 1900 and 1910
for Borre / Åsgårdstrand
• Census 1865-1910 in other municipalities for persons born in
Borre / Åsgårdstrand / Nykirke. Also including 1885 and 1891 for the sites that have such counts. The deer lay under Borre and was led
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